Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year Resolutions

Happy New Year !! 

Hey guys! 
This one is going to be quick! It's not about making money but it can help you achieve just that. 
In the last couple of months I've been going through a process of letting go of the past, of letting go of anger that I didn't even know was there until I had the time to take a look inside. 
If you feel like you always want to do a lot but you end up doing nothing, or like you are standing in your own way don't be mad at yourself, at list not yet. I  I had all the motivation in the world and all the tools I  needed to succeed but I ended up doing nothing. I couldn't figure it out! So after I finally finished my B.A I had time for myself. I had no more excuses I had all the time in the world and all I had to do was start working in order to make my dreams come true. Instead I found myself watching TV 18 hours a day, getting mad at myself for doing nothing. So I started asking questions, I found out there were some things in my past that made me angry about myself, an anger that I wasn't even aware of. This anger made me feel like I didn't deserve to make my dreams come true. I had to let go of the anger and all the negative feeling I had in order to finally move on. As I said I didn't even know those feeling were there, but after I figured it out and let it go I felt such relief. Like a giant rock I wasn't even aware of got lifted of  my shoulders. Sometimes we get used to pain until we don't even notice it's there anymore, but it doesn't mean it doesn't leave it's mark on you and effects your every day life. 

What I recommend your New Years Resolution should be is for you to stop for a day, and try to look inside into your most inner pain, regret, fear. Find out what it is that slows you down and just let it go! It will take some time to reach it and let it go but it will be worth it, you will feel energy flows through your body, you feel like you can be great, like you deserve it!

Celebrate your life, celebrate the moment and remember that happiness is not a goal, it's a state of mind, you can choose to be happy! 

The Beginner

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